According to law, the documents which attest the right of use over the spaces meant as registered offices or secondary offices are:
Important: Thereal estate register excerpt and the fiscal/ agricultural certificates have to be submitted in original, whereas the other documents have to be submitted in certified or legalized copy. In case the property is jointly owned, there are a couple of documents that have to be added to the file, according to case. These documents are: the approval of the co-owner, the approval of the landlord association, the approval of the neighbors directly affected by the modification of the space from dwelling to registered office - all documents should be submitted in original.
In case you do not own a property, you do not manage to obtain the approval of the landlord association and of the neighbors or if you meet difficulties in finding a space where to set your head office, our team will come to your help and will offer to host your head office for as much as 12 months - a service provided at an accessible price.
We can also offer certain services related to office hosting - which can help you better perform your activity.
You have a VIRTUAL OFFICE at your disposal where you can:
Likewise, you can use our phone and fax number for receiving and transmitting correspondence to your clients.
According to Order no. 221/2010 from NAFA (National Agency for Fiscal Administration), published in the Official Monitor no. 443/01.07.2010, trading companies, upon registration or upon changing the registered office, have the responsibility to submit the document which attests the right to use over the space destined to be registered office and to obtain the certificate for this space.
The solicitation file will comprise:
The file will be submitted to the competent fiscal authority (NAFA - in whose territorial range the space is located), directly at the registry or via the post office, with confirmation upon receipt.
If the request application is submitted to the registry of the fiscal organ, the evidentiary documents for the right of use will be submitted both in original and in copy.
If the request application is submitted via the post office, it has to be accompanied by the evidentiary documents for the right of use - in legalized copy.
After the request application, together with the complete documentation, is submitted at the competent fiscal organ, the solicitation is processed in 5 working days.
Important! Do not forget to purchase a 4 RON fiscal stamp.
The registered office is one of the company's identification markers. Depending on the registered office selected for the trading company, it is important to establish:
According to law, the documents which attest the right of use for the space designated as registered office are: the tile deed, the buy-sell agreement, the lease contract, the bailment agreement, the joint venture agreement, Real Estate Register excerpt, legal heir certificate, the approval of the landlord association and of the neighbors directly affected by the activity performed (up/down/left/right - if this is the case) or other documents which attest the right of use.
Moving the registered office to another district means registering the company at the Trade Register of the new office and erasing the registration from the Trade Register of the previous registered office.
The registration file for the Trade Register Office concerning the modification of the registered office of the limited liability company will comprise the following documents:
Our services of hosting allow registering/changing your head office in Bucharest and in Ilfov District:
We can also offer certain services related to office hosting - which can help you better perform your activity.
You have a VIRTUAL OFFICE at your disposal where you can:
Likewise, you can use our phone and fax number for receiving and transmitting correspondence to your clients.
Until the Government Emergency Ordinance 54/2010 concerning the measures to fight against fiscal evasion came into effect, there was the possibility to have several companies functioning in the same space, irrespective of the dimension of that particular space, with the condition that at least one person was an associate of all the companies or at least one of the associates was a landlord. But since June 2010, several companies can function at the same office only if the space, through its structure and surface, allows for these companies to function in different rooms or in spaces distinctly separated.
Upon registering the company or changing the registered office at the Trade Register Office, the following documents are needed:
If the certificate attests that there have been other documents registered for this space, you have to give a statutory declaration in which you write that the conditions referring to the registered office are met.
Several companies can function at the same office if the space, through its structure and surface, allows the companies to perform their activities in different rooms or in distinctly separated spaces.
The option that an investor has when it comes to starting up a company in the fastest time possible and without undergoing too many expenses/investments before beginning the actual activity of the company is mentioned in Art.3 alin. 1, letter h, from Law no.51/1995 - Law for the development and practice of a lawyer's profession which claims that:
(1) the lawyer's activity is realized by:
h) temporarily establishing the registered office for trading companies at the professional premises of the lawyer and registering it, in the name and in behalf of the client, the equity shares, the stock capital or the shares of the company thus registered.
Our services of hosting allow registering/changing your head office in Bucharest and in Ilfov District:
We can also offer certain services related to office hosting - which can help you better perform your activity.
You have a VIRTUAL OFFICE at your disposal where you can:
Likewise, you can use our phone and fax number for receiving and transmitting correspondence to your clients.